A safe way to back up your critical business information
Similar to using security systems and locks, your data is a valuable part of your business that needs to be protected. Your entire IT environment is at risk if a data center fails. At Stratosphere Networks, our secure data centers will protect against losses resulting from hard drive crashes, virus attacks, and more.
In the event of a system malfunction, some companies are brought to a screeching halt. We can minimize the downtime caused by an IT failure with our full-service data center, which includes redundant and backup tools, redundant data communications connections, security devices, and 24/7 monitoring services. Our team and network is housed in one office in the greater Chicagoland area creating a one-stop shop for the highest possible quality IT solutions and services.
As your company continues to grow, naturally your data center will expand. Stratosphere Networks guarantees we can accommodate and expand our services as well. Allowing companies to focus on critical daily operations, our staff will give businesses peace of mind when it comes to IT infrastructures.